Tuesday, 21 August 2012

RE: {PBJFlorida} Digest for pbjflorida@googlegroups.com - 3 Messages in 2 Topics

Thank you so much Suzan!

From: suzan71@gmail.com
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2012 09:07:01 -0400
Subject: Re: {PBJFlorida} Digest for pbjflorida@googlegroups.com - 3 Messages in 2 Topics
To: pbjflorida@googlegroups.com

Wanted to share this with you all so that you can share with those who can benefit:



Did you know? Latino Leadership can help you apply for Florida KidCare! Call 407-895-0801 to receive one-on-one assistance in filling out the application. Get the health insurance your children need for them to make the most out of a healthy school year. For those who qualify, there is no cost for Florida KidCare. Inquire today.




Bring the internet home for just $9.95. If your child receives free or reduced price school lunches, you may qualify for Internet Essentials from Comcast. Inquire about a laptop for only $149.99 +tax. Call Latino Leadership at 407-895-0801 for more information.




VSP Sight for Students provides free eye care services to qualifying students whose families' income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level. Call Latino Leadership at 407-895-0801 to see if you qualify for a voucher. Services include an eye exam from one of VSP's participating doctors and glasses, if prescribed.




Save-the-Date: On September 15, 2012 Latino Leadership

will host a Deferred Action Orientation and Application Assistance Clinic. Volunteers are needed to help fill out required forms. If you can share some of your time, call 407-895-0801. Latino Leadership will host a training for interested volunteers prior to the clinic. 

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:03 AM, <pbjflorida@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Group: http://groups.google.com/group/pbjflorida/topics
    Michael Rodriguez <fireryphoenix@hotmail.com> Aug 20 11:43AM -0400  

    As PBJFlorida prepares to enter into a more focused (but not less broader) direction of assisting the poor, PBJFlorida will be launching a completely new and improved website soon. It will have a new look and more features. Also, our Facebook page will begin to have more information and conversation, as will our twitter page and website blog.

    It is my hope that you like the changes, and that you send me your comments and ideas to make PBJFlorida better serve the needs of the community and particularly the poor.

    Warmest Regards,
    Penny Villegas <pennyvillegas31@gmail.com> Aug 20 04:08PM -0400  

    Good. I hope you can inform us about services to the poor, for example when
    and where food Not Bombs is serving, registring voters, also Idignity.
    hese are just the ones I know about, but I know there's more going on and
    PBJF would provide an important service by informing us.
    Good work Miguel.
    On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Michael Rodriguez <
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Suzan Abdurrahman

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