Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Re: {PBJFlorida} from today's Nation of Change

Yes, there were about 25 demonstrators outside the County Admin Bldg, according to today's O' Sentinel. We need to connect up & turn out!  :-)

On 9/18/2012 1:06 PM, Louise Sheehy wrote:

Was there anything in CF? If not, where are the voices of protest?



Published: Tuesday 18 September 2012

The protests were all unique, in size, location, style and message; nevertheless, the anniversary illustrated occupy movement is still very alive and very relevant.(Bolds are mine)








Yesterday, September 17th, 2012, marked the first birthday of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Peaceful demonstrations were planed in 30 cities world wide, including its birthplace in New York, for the purpose of celebrating the anniversary of the original protests and to breath life into the atrophying movement before the November elections.

Over 1,000 occupy protesters and supporters armed with posters, camera-phones, as well as guitars and drums assembled in Zuccotti Park in New York’s financial district. In the spirit of the OWS, the demonstrators had no set agenda or itinerary of activities except to express their dissatisfaction with the power and influence of monied lobbyists in Washington, the ever-widening income disparities, and the sky-high unemployment rate, among many other issues. According to one report, the protesters had separated lower Manhattan into different section, each representing a different cause.

The situation became volatile when occupy protesters attempted to block the entrance to New York Stock Exchange, the symbol of political nepotism and corporate greed for the demonstrators. The protesters clashed with a large, well-organized and armored police force. The police officers bounded the streets and sidewalks leading toward the exchange with metal barricades and requested identification for anyone seeking entrance, including employees.



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