Wednesday, 12 March 2014

{PBJFlorida} Omar Saad / High school seniors tell Netanyahu they refuse to serve in the Israeli army

Dear all, below a brief update on Omar Saad and below that a letter signed by 50 high school students.

10 March 2014

Conscientious objector Omar Sa'ad started his fifth prison sentence for refusing to serve in the Israel army. He began his 20 day sentence on 3 March 2014.  

According to Israeli NGO New Profile, the authorities have recently begun refusing lawyers (including from New Profile) access to Omar and other COs in prison. New Profile say that the army claims that civilian lawyers are not certified to enter military prisons. We will find out more about the situation and update you.

In the meantime, please call for the immediate and unconditional release of Omar Sa'ad, Military ID 08143090

-        Explain that AI considers total or selective objectors to military service for reasons of conscience to be prisoners of conscience when, as in the case of Israel, no alternative civilian service is available;

-        Urge the authorities to bring in an alternative form of service for those people who are unwilling to carry out military service in Israel or the Occupied Territories for reasons of conscience.

Please focus your writing on the following targets:

Mr. Moshe Ya'alon,
Minister of Defence,
Ministry of Defence,
Tel-Aviv 61909,
E-mail: or
Tel.: +972-3-6975220
Fax: +972-3-6962757

Denny Efroni,
Chief Military Attorney
Military Postal Code 9605, IDF

Gil Ben Shaul
Commander of Induction Base

Meitav, Tel-HaShomer
Military Postal Code 02718, IDF

Commander of Military Prison No. 6
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 01860, IDF

    Fax: +972-4-9540580

You can also send letters or copies of your letters to your local Israeli embassy.

Also write to Omar himself. His prison address is:

Omar Sa'ad
Military ID 08143090
Military Prison No. 6
Military Postal Code 01860, IDF
Fax: +972-4-9540580

You can also send messages of support to with Omar to    

Please note that since the prison authorities often block mail from reaching imprisoned objectors, it is also a good idea to send them your letters of support and encouragement via e-mail to.

Fifty high school seniors write to PM Netanyahu about their refusal to serve in the army on 8 March 2014

Please find below the text of this letter

50 Young Israelis Send a Letter to Netanyahu:

"We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army"


Yesterday morning, dozens of young Israelis sent Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, a letter in which they declared their refusal to serve in the Israeli military[*]. This is the largest group of Israeli draft refusers in the history of Israel; it is the first act of its kind in five years, but follows a long tradition of communal conscientious objection. The current Israeli government is trying to widen the army draft to all ethnic groups within Israel against their will and young people from all over the country are reacting by refusing to serve in the Israeli Army.

The purpose of this statement is to protest against the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories where, according to the signatories "human rights are violated and acts defined by international law as war-crimes are perpetuated on a daily basis." They are also protesting the way in which the army influences civilian life, deepening the sexism, militarism, violence, inequality and racism present in Israeli society.


Mandy Cartner, a 16 years old signatory from Tel Aviv said: "The actions of the army distance us from finding a solution and from creating peace, justice and security. My refusal is a way of expressing my opposition to the wrongs done daily in our name and through us."

 Shaked Harari, a 17 years old signatory from Bat Yam, said: "The army serves the people in power and not the civilians, who are only a tool. My friends and I refuse to be cannon fodder."

 Roni Lax, a 20 year old signatory from Bnei Brak: "We stand in solidarity with the ultra-orthodox youth and the Arab youth – Christian and Druze, some of whom are currently in an army prison."

Contact Info:

Dafna Rothstein Landman – 0522470123 –

Itamar Bellaiche - 0547484248 -

The following is their statement:


"We, citizens of the state of Israel, are designated for army service.

We appeal to the readers of this letter to set aside what has always been taken for granted and to reconsider the implications of military service.

We, the undersigned, intend to refuse to serve in the army and the main reason for this refusal is our opposition to the military occupation of Palestinian territories. Palestinians in the occupied territories live under Israeli rule though they did not choose to do so, and have no legal recourse to influence this regime or its decision-making processes. This is neither egalitarian nor just. In these territories, human rights are violated, and acts defined under international law as war-crimes are perpetuated on a daily basis. These include assassinations (extrajudicial killings), the construction of settlements on occupied lands, administrative detentions, torture, collective punishment and the unequal allocation of resources such as electricity and water. Any form of military service reinforces this status quo, and, therefore, in accordance with our conscience, we cannot take part in a system that perpetrates the above-mentioned acts.

The problem with the army does not begin or end with the damage it inflicts on Palestinian society. It infiltrates everyday life in Israeli society too: it shapes the educational system, our workforce opportunities, while fostering racism, violence and ethnic, national and gender-based discrimination.

We refuse to aid the military system in promoting and perpetuating male dominance. In our opinion, the army encourages a violent and militaristic masculine ideal whereby 'might is right'. This ideal is detrimental to everyone, especially those who do not fit it. Furthermore, we oppose the oppressive, discriminatory, and heavily gendered power structures within the army itself.

We refuse to forsake our principles as a condition to being accepted in our society. We have thought about our refusal deeply and we stand by our decisions.

We appeal to our peers, to those currently serving in the army and/or reserve duty, and to the Israeli public at large, to reconsider their stance on the occupation, the army, and the role of the military in civil society. We believe in the power and ability of civilians to change reality for the better by creating a more fair and just society. Our refusal expresses this belief.

For details:

Dafna Rothstein Landman – 0522470123 –

Itamar Bellaiche - 0547484248 -

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